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Government Marketing- Your Next Long Term Income Source

The federal government uses multiple methods for procuring goods and services from small businesses. Among these are competitive bid, sole source contracts, set-aside contracts, GWACS and IDIQ contracts. A misnomer that many small businesses have is that registering their business in sam.gov is the only step they need to take, when in fact it is the initial step of registering as a vendor with the federal government.

At governmentmarketing.com we assess your firm’s capabilities and match that to opportunities within the federal market. During this process we determine if any certifications are a good match for your firm as well as what contracting vehicles would be most productive at producing federal revenue. We have helped a broad array of businesses in the past and can provide in-depth insight into the following core businesses.

  • Construction
  • Consulting
  • Energy
  • Environmental Services
  • Information Technology
  • Financial Services
  • Linguistic Services
  • Logistics
Are You Eligible

Fundamentals of Government Marketing

There is existing competition in the government marketplace as it is an established market. As a new entrant it makes navigating this market and finding the correct decision makers for sharing your value proposition critical. Then determining what contracting vehicles these decision makers utilize is critical for delivering an actionable business proposition in the federal space.

Another analysis that must be conducted is that there are two macro markets within the federal space. Your firm can pursue either prime contracts (working with the federal government directly) or subcontracting opportunities. Both of these segments are very large markets the small business prime market is over $100 billion in annual sales. The subcontracting market representing approximately 70% of the small business prime contracting market in any given year. This is due to the regulatory requirements placed upon large prime businesses generally requiring that 35% of their awarded dollars be subcontracted to small businesses. Both of these markets should be analyzed as a first step in any federal marketing strategy.

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Firms Potential

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Engage in Federal Networking

Networking and relationship based selling is one of the core tenants of private sector selling. Most novice federal marketers think that networking goes out the window when dealing with the federal government. Federal buyers are definitely constrained by FAR (Federal Acquisitions Regulations), however government contractors have all developed strong government contacts. It has been our experience that federal networking is so important we ask our clients to focus on 1-3 federal agencies and we often find that our most successful clients quickly have this down to a single agency of focus. They then know and understand all the players at that agency and this leads to many more contracting opportunities than a scattered approach.

SBA and VA Certifications

The reality is that firms that have a certification receive preferential treatment. This preference can be leveraged to obtain contracting opportunities with lower barriers to entry and good contract performance aids the firm on obtaining additional contracts in the future. Therefore we recommend for firms that are eligible to obtain an SBA or VA Certification to do so early in their government marketing journey as it reduces the marketing effort required by the firm.


We bring a complete line of products to empower your government marketing strategy. Here’s a look at these

8a Business Development Program

8a Business Development Program

8a business development program is intended to bolster small and economically disadvantaged business with necessary...

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8a Business Development Program

GSA Schedule

GSA Schedule will give your firm enhanced access to contract with the U.S. Federal Government. When applying for a GSA...

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8a Business Development Program

HubZone Certificate

HUBZone is a Small Business Administration (SBA) program that is intended for the socially and economically disadvantaged...

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8a Business Development Program

WOSB Certification

Conventional gender biased roles actually limit ladies' chances to flourish in certain ventures. The U.S. government wants to...

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8a Business Development Program

SDVOSB Certification

SDVOSB certification is intended for the service disabled veterans to get their business qualified to win the set aside...

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8a Business Development Program

Federal list Building

Government buyers create a list of products and services they want to purchase. We guide you to be identified as a potential...

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I had a great time. I really appreciate the hard work that they put in to helping us get our HUBZone Certification.
Tim Lo
Your Next Jump
They made it real user friendly for us. So if you’re looking to submit an 8a application to the small business program, I highly recommend that you seek their services.
Aaron Herbst
Spathe Systems LLC
Been there every step of the way. We would highly recommend this company to assist you in obtaining the certifications that you require.
Alicia Shepherd
Pelton Shepherd Industries
They are so helpful and responsive with our questions. Thank you.
Christine Urban
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